
Links Modification Version 1.06 (Final) from

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is this version of the game officially supported?
A. No. If you install the 1.06 MOD your game will not be supported through product support. You'll need to find answers to problems on community forums.

Q. Where Can I get the Links Modification from?
A. Here: Download from FilePlanet

Q. Who created this mod?
A. Andrew 'Mogulbasher' Jones, with a lot of help from beta testers.

Q. Which versions of Links will the mod work with?
A. At this time the mod will only work with Links 2003 Version 1.05

Q. If I install the mod will I still be able to play normal links?
A. Yes: The mod installs a new shortcut onto your desktop. To run normal links just do what you always have done. To run the mod just double click the mod icon on your desktop

Q. What does the mod do?
A. The mod changes several things within the game engine. In effect it does 2 things. It changes the settings for Fairway hardness and green speed and increases club distances for D, 2W and 3W for clickers

Q. Why did you change driving distances and why only for click?
A. As part of the desire to bring links up to date with the modern game we increased wood distances for click in line with those regularly achievable by RTS players

Q. Does the distance mod have any effect on my club selections?
A. It can. After installing the mod increased club distances are available to your players (classic swing only). If you go in and increase the distance of driver for your default players and then run normal links and select that player you will have no clubs in your bag. Therefore we recommend using a special player eg Andrew Mod for use when playing with the mod. Only use this player with the mod.

Q. When I connect to a zone game my game launches the mod and others the normal and we cant play each other?
A. When you launch a game from within the zone the zone software looks at the last version of links that you ran. So if you want to play normal links run normal links prior to going to the zone. If you want to play the mod run the modded links prior to going to the zone. that should do it

Q. What files does the mod install on my system?
A. 1 Directory is created and 3 files are installed. A directory called LinksMod is created inside your default links 2003 A file Linksmodified.exe is installed into your default links directory. A file called LinksMMIII.exe is installed into the linksmod directory

Q. I have installed the mod but the game wont run when I click on the shortcut on the desktop?
A. This is usually caused by people who have moved their links install after the initial install. The setup program looks in the registry to find out where links was installed on your system, and prompts you to install it there. If your links files are not installed there you can manually change the install directory. IF YOU DO THIS…..then you must select the directory where your existing Links files are located. The setup program will then take care of the rest.


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