Links 2003 Displays Incorrectly
Most general video or audio problems are resolved by updating to the latest WHQL (certified) drivers for that card. Drivers are normally found on the web page of either the card vendor, or the computer manufacturer, if the card came pre-installed.
Some video or audio cards may have issues that are not resolved by updated drivers. For a list of video and audio cards, we know to have problems in Links, check the readme file by going to START: Programs: Microsoft Games: Microsoft Links 2003: Links 2003 Readme File.
Golfer Missing , Weird Video Artifacts , Etc.
Note: If you have an integrated Intel video card please see this post on the Links Corner web site
If you see this, it is most likely one of these things:
- Your video card has only 8 Megabytes of RAM.
Sometimes, Links will work with an 8-Megabyte video card, but it is designed for a 16-Megabyte video card. If Links is dropping out content, it may be because your video card lacks the necessary RAM to display everything.
- Your video card display driver is outdated.
If this is the case, you may simply be able to update the driver (from the manufacturer's web site) to get Links up and running.
- Your video card has Anti-Aliasing (AA) turned on.
This is actually set in your video card driver - not Links. Links will not run properly with anti-aliasing turned on.
To turn off anti-aliasing, open your control panel, open the display icon, and select SETTINGS, then ADVANCED to access the video card's advanced menu. Somewhere in this menu, you should find the anti-aliasing on/off toggle.

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